September 30, 2009

Our New House!!!

Adam and I are so excited! We bought the CUTEST house ever! It is a spec home in Farmington. We were really lucky to find it just in time to make all the interior selections. It has been so much fun picking out exactly what we want for our new house:) We can't wait!!!

Taking a pic in front of our house...

Cute Huh?

September 20, 2009

Alta Moda Bridal Shoot...

I was lucky enough to be asked by the owner of Alta Moda Bridal Shop to be a model for her new ad campaign! It was so much fun! I even got to wear my actual wedding dress in all of the shots! The girls were so much fun to work with:) Thanks for the fun night Hilary!

September 17, 2009

July 28th 2009...Our Wedding Day!

Best decision of my day of my man to spend forever with...My life is complete:) I love you Adam Dayton!! Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive!

September 9, 2009

Yes!!! We Sold The House!!!

Hey Everyone! It has been awhile I know!! We have been busy! So...we sold the house and are so dang excited! We rented Adam's house and sold mine in the same week! We feel so lucky! We have to be out by Oct. 9th. We are so excited to find a house that is "Ours". Thanks Doug!! We appreciate you so much for being our friend and realtor and for helping make this happen! We will be living somewhere in Davis County. We are going to start looking this weekend. This is the fun part...YaY!!