May 13, 2010

OUr MoMs...

I just want to let both my amazing mother's how much I love and appreciate them! I love Mother's Day because it's always such a great reminder for what they do for us! We love you both so much:)

My mom...You are my best friend...your my biggest fan...your my hero...your beautiful...I love you!
Posted by PicasaKandie...Thanks for treating me like your own...thanks for raising such an amazing son...thanks for your thoughfulness and your grace...your beautiful and I am so blessed to have
you as my mother-in-law:)

May 9th 2009...

Life has been so crazy lately and I have wanted to blog for awhile and haven't had a minute! May 9th marked the one year date from when Adam & I got engaged! I can't believe it's been that long and that we have almost been married a year already! I never wrote down how he proposed, so I thought I would so I will always remember. We went on our first date in October of 2008. I was recently divorced and was in a million pieces. I always stayed in touch with his sister Natalie and she had become one of my very best friends. I was at Kristin my sister-in-laws house one night and Natalie casually said that Adam was coming over. I was so nervous to see him because it had been like 5-6 years! We dated when I was 21 and I always had so much fun with him and of course thought he was absolutely gorgeous!! That day I literally looked like I didn't take care of myself, ha ha!! Really hair was all greasy and slicked back in a pony and I had on this dorky headband. I was broken:( He came over and we picked back up from where we had left off. He asked my out and we had a great time! After the date I was sure he would call me again. Well...he didn't!! What did I do wrong? I was sure it was the headband...did I say something weird?? I didn't want to ask Natalie because I didn't want to look like I cared right? Two months passed and he called me out of the blue! I didn't even know who it was at first because I had deleted his number from my phone! We fell in love so quick and he showed me how to love again:) We dated for five amazing months...and on May 9th 2009 he proposed...

Proposal...We knew we were going to get married, but I truly had no idea when he was going to propose. A couple of weeks prior he had asked me if I wanted to go to the Miner's Club in Park City with his sister & husband. The weekend came and his sister & husband coveniently couldn't go anymore so he asked if I still wanted to go. We headed up there and I talked his ear off like I usually do. He didn't say much on the way up, now I know why! We got to the room and when we went in he was looking all around. He told me to wait there and came back with the most beautiful red roses! Still not knowing what was going on I asked him why he got me those. He said just because he wanted to. He then pulled out the cutest letter and asked me to read it aloud. I was just crying and I turned around to finish reading it. After I finished it I turned around and he was kneeling on the ground with the most gorgeous ring. With tears in his eyes he asked me to marry him. I said are you serious like three times! I said yes and we were so happy!! We called our families and texted all our friends. We then went to Ruth Chris for dinner and couldn't stop smiling!! I just want my husband to know how much I love and appreciate him! He slowly put me back together again and showed me the kind of love and respect that I deserve!!! I love him!