June 27, 2010

THe HubbY's BirTHday PrEseNT...

This is what I got Adam for his birthday. He has never had his own grill and was so excited for his own! I'm excited because he cooks dinner all the time:) So...we both win! PERFECT!!

June 20, 2010

{Happy Father's Day...}

We just want to wish both our amazing dads a Happy Father's Day!! We love them both so much and are so grateful for everything they do for us!

My Dad...I can't even express to you how I feel about my amazing dad! I have always been a daddy's girl ever since I was little, but our relationship has grown so much more especially over the past few years. He is one that I can count on no matter what and will just call me up every now and again to tell me he is proud of me:) I feel very lucky that I was blessed to be his daughter....I love you dad!

Bruce...He is the best father-in-law I could ask for! From day one, he has welcomed me into his family and treated me as his own. I love him for that:) He is a great dad and has taught Adam so much! They are two peas in a pod and have such a great relationship. Thanks Bruce for raising the incredible son that I now call my husband!Posted by Picasa

June 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Hubby!!!

My cute hubby turned the big "28" on Thursday! We celebrated all weekend long! We went to California Pizza Kitchen with his family & then we went to yummy Texas Roadhouse with my family! We had a ton of fun! I hope you had a great birthday hon! I sure love you lots & lots:) Making a big wish...

His favorite cake...chocolate with vanilla frosting & one million sprinkles!
Adam & my parents
Chelsea, Dallas, & Me
On the saddle @ Texas Roadhouse
The Dayton's @ CPK
Jax, Dayton, & Jace
Birthday Boy!!!
Cutest nephews ever!!
Uncle Adam & Dayton