July 28, 2010

HapPY ANnIverSary tO uS....

Today is our one year anniversary!! This year has been so great and so memorable for us!! I feel so blessed to have Adam in my life and don't know how I ever lived without him! He is my everything:) I love you so much babe! I am looking forward to forever with you!

July 18, 2010

BoYCe ReUNion...

This weekend was the Boyce Reunion! The weekend was filled with fun festivities and it was so much fun to catch up with everyone:) We spent Friday afternoon at Lagoon! I hadn't been there in forever! It was a bit too hot, but we still had a great time! We then went to dinner with Dallas & Chelsea and had some yummy Cafe Rio, and of course finished up the night with YogoTogo!! We started Saturday morning off with a great breakfast down at our farm and a very competitive game of kickball...we then ended the night at the Bee's game!
Dork 1 & 2
Cute little cousins Erin & Grace

Me & Dallas on the Music Express...HILARIOUS!!

Of course our guys had to play basketball...

To make these girls happy and win us a prize...

Bee's Game

Cute baby Henry

Hubby & Gramps

Uncle Clay, Gram, & Maddi


My cute Grandparents!!!

July 8, 2010

{The 4th}

We had a great 4th of July weekend! Lots of great family time, swimming, and of course our new fave place...YogoTogo!! "Our" meaning Adam, myself, Dallas, & Chelsea. We actually probably keep them in business!! Aunt Chris & cute Chloe...She was scared of the fireworks so she wouldn't open her eyes!
Cute girl cousins

Cute Siele!
Attemping to get a good picture...NOT!

My cousin Hannah & me