November 10, 2010

We are half way there!!!!

20 weeks yay yay yay!!!! I can't believe we are already half way to meeting our new baby girl!!! It is so nice to feel great again and not so sick all the time! Adam has been so amazing throughout this pregancy. He is so incredibly patient with me and I love him so much for that:) He is going to make such a great daddy!! But, more importantly...we have decided on a name for our sweet baby girl....


November 3, 2010


We are soooo EXCITED to be having a GIRL!!!! This was completely unexpected!! We thought we were having a little boy for sure!! I think Adam is a bit in shock right now, but it is slowly sinking in haha!!! She is healthy and doing great:) We feel so blessed and we can't wait for her to be apart of our family!