March 27, 2011

{wE ArE So iN LoVe...}

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March 25, 2011

{Daisy Ann Dayton}

Our sweet baby Daisy was born March 21st at 8:23am. She weighed 6lbs 5oz and was 18 1/2 inches long!! We are soooooo in love!!! She is perfect...More pics to come soon I promise:)

March 15, 2011

{Meeting Our Little Lady On Monday}

Well...I went in for my 38th week appointment today and our little one has decided to turn and is the breech position:) We did an ultrasound and she is so stinkin' adorable:) Dr. H decided to do a c-section on Monday at 7:30am. I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that I will get to hold her in my arms in a matter of days!!! My birthday is on Sunday, and I couldn't imagine a more perfect birthday present!! Next post will be of our little Daisy...

March 13, 2011

{37.5 Weeks}

My 37.5 preggo pic!! Just a little over two weeks left!! I go to the doc on Tuesday, so hopefully I'll have some sort of progress to report:) We are so excited to meet our little girl:)