April 21, 2011

{One Month Old...}

Here was my attempt at getting a pic of Daisy at one month old. The girl was not having it!! I can't believe she is already one month old! Where is the time going?? We are loving every single second with her and she is such a joy:) We really don't know what we did before her!

{Meeting Cousin Davis...}

Adam's sister Kris had Davis the day after Daisy was born! I can't believe how close they are and I know they will be cute little buddies together:) Thanks for coming to visit us Davis!

April 14, 2011

{Miss Daisy's Newborns...}

April 5, 2011

{Loving Every Minute...}

{He's Home!...}

My brother Spencer returned home from his mission in Estonia on March 31st!! It is so great to have him home!! We love you Spen and we are so proud of you:)