September 27, 2011


I feel so lucky to be working part-time this year so I can be a stay at home mommy:) I love hanging out with my little side kick every day! Being a mom is the best thing I have ever done or will ever do in my life and I will forever be thankful for this sweet spirit that was given to me!

{Sharing Is Caring:)...

The other night we recorded Avrey and Daisy cute! Enjoy:)

{Guess Who's Sitting Up?!?}...

ME!! ME!! ME!!

{Stylin' Baby}...

Now that we got the new do...we can add the curler to make Daisy a curly sue! YAY!! No more crazy hair!

{Daisy's First Haircut}...

Aunt Mindy gave Daisy her first haircut the other day! It was so cute:)

{Big Girl Stroller Time!!!}...

Daisy loves to go for walks. She is the most observant little thing and will just take everything in:) Taking our little girl on walks is something Adam and I love to do:) This was her first time sitting the "big girl" way! I of course had to add a pic after our walk with her favorite person...her handsome daddy!

{ I LOVE to read!!}...

My girl LOVES to read!! She loves all of her touch and feel books and she loves her Duck book. Kandie has so many books, so when she comes to watch Daisy on fridays she will always come bring new ones for Daisy to borrow:)She has this one particular book that has a mirror in it. Daisy is so cute when she sees it! She'll just sit and smile at her cute self:) I'm in big ttrouble for when she gets older!

{6 months old!?!}...

I seriously can't believe my little Daisy girl is six months old already! Is she not the yummiest thing ever with those gorge eyes!! She is such a sweet baby:) We took her to her six month check up and here are her stats:

Weight: 15lbs. 7ounces
Lenght: 24 1/2 inches long

Miss Daisy is loving her cereal, carrots, and peaches. She is obsessed with her "cuddles" blankies and her baby doll Lucy:) We love our little one to pieces if you can't tell!

September 13, 2011

{Rhythm Jackson Dayton...}

Last night our newest nephew was born! He is so adorable with lots of curly black hair! I get to meet him tomorrow and I can't wait:) Congrats Marc and Jayda we love you!