February 26, 2012


11 months old!! I know I say this every post but the time is just going by way to fast!! Daisy has spent most of the month of February being sick:( This nasty cold stuff is kicking our butt this winter!! We are finally on the mend and ready for some Spring weather:) Daisy's newest milestone this month is standing all by herself!! She is so proud of herself and will flash the cutest toothy smile at whoever is around to watch! She is such a little chatterbox too! When I took her to the doctor last week she weighed in at 18lbs. 10oz. She's growing up so fast! She is such a girl through and through! She is so dainty with everything she does whether it's playing, sleeping, or even eating! Such a little lady we have:) This is such a fun stage and we are loving every minute! (Except for her daily tempers tantrums she throws when I try and dress her!! HAHA!!

(Can't Get Enough:)...}

Our adorable little peanut!!

{Standing Like A BIG Girl!!...}

My little Miss can now stand up all by herself!! So proud of you Daisy girl:)

{Looked Out The Window And What Did I See...}

Daisy's new favorite thing is to look out our patio windows. Our neighbors got a new puppy for Christmas and she loves to watch him play around:) She will get so excited and will pound on the windows to get it's attention! Her Papa Dayton thinks she is not looking at the puppy but instead scoping out the neighborhood scene for some little one year old boys to crush on!! She had better not!! Not until she is at least 30!!

February 13, 2012

{Happy LOVE Day...}

I ♥ these two to pieces!!

February 6, 2012


Our baby is 10 months!!! For reals?!? We really think we are the luckiest parents in the world to have such a gorgeous, healthy, and happy baby!! We love you Bear!! You bring new meaning to each and every day:)

What I've been up to this month...

*Pulling myself up to everything
*Crawling everywhere
*I've discovered the stairs and love to climb them!
*I now have five teeth!! Three new ones popped up on top!
*I have the cutest "scrunchy" face:)
*I lift my shoulders up and down when I laugh (mommy loves this:)
*Can say "Mama", "Dada", and "Dadee" (for Daisy), Nana (night, night we think)

{Little Miss...}

Just some of my January favorites!!