July 27, 2012

{Happy 3rd To Us...}

Tomorrow is our 3rd anniversary! I fall more in love with this amazing man every single day! I am so dang lucky to have such a fabulous hubby! It makes it easy when he is so dang cute to look at!! Happy Anniversay babe!! Thanks for loving me, challenging me, and encouraging me every day!! I can't wait for many more to come!

July 5, 2012

{Fourth of July...}

We had so much fun for the fourth this year! We went to a yummy breakfast at my parents in the morning followed by the Kaysville parade:) Daisy wasn't feeling well from her shots the day before but was such a trooper:) As long as she had an otter pop in hand she was good! We then went swimming at my parents and seriously fried ourselves!! Daisy was so wiped out from the day that she zonked out super early! We ended the night with a nice quiet dinner at Winger's. Hope everyone had a great holiday!

{Joyful June...}

June was for sure a joyous month spending time with my girl and not having to worry about getting up for work in the mornings:) We were super busy this month running through the sprinklers, going to Grandma & Grandpa's new St. George house, seeing the animals at the zoo, singing songs to our dollies, and just loving to play in the hot summer weather!!