January 30, 2013

{Always Jumpin...}

Our girl LOVES to jump!! Today she was jumping so high! She even figured out how to climb to the top and slide down!!

January 27, 2013

{Daisy and her babies...:)}

She LOVES her babies!!

January 23, 2013

{This is how I Roll...}

Miss Daisy is obsessed with cereal!! However, she only likes it if she gets to hold the bag herself!! Silly girl!!

January 22, 2013

{Tired Girl...}

So tired from playing so hard at Discovery Gateway!!

{Too Sweet...}


You are...just beautiful in every way!

January 6, 2013

{My Daisy...}

{Happy New Year's Eve!!!}

We had a very low key New Year's Eve:) We went out to dinner with Dallas, Chelsea, and Avrey to Olive Garden:) Daisy hadn't been feeling well:( She was...well let's just say TERRIBLE!! She basically cried the whole time we were at dinner! The joys of a toddler!! That explains why I fell asleep at 10:30!! I'm seriously the funnest!!! HaHa...my poor hubby!! Here's to another fabulous year!! Bring it on 2013!!!

{December Delights...}

{Christmas Day 2012...}

Christmas Day was so much fun this year! Santa brought Daisy the cutest little pink vintage kitchen that she loved!! Adam was Santa's helper and had to help set it up for her! It took three hours!! We then headed off to my parents for a wonderful breakfast!! My mom had even set up a little table just for the girls to eat at...so fun!! We of course got spoiled by my parents yet again this year!! We are so grateful!! We then headed home for some much needed nap time. We went back over for a yummy turkey dinner and spent the night laughing and hanging out together!! Love my family:)