April 24, 2013


April 21, 2013

{Can't stand your cuteness!!!...}

April 11, 2013

{Love These Two!!...}

I love my brothers so much!! They couldn't be more different but they both bring something so special to my life!! I love the close relationship I have with each one-:)

{Too smart!!!...}

Little Miss Daisy learned to open the gate today!!! We're in trouble!!

April 5, 2013

{Sunny St. George!!...}

Daisy loves the sunny weather!! She went down the slide all be herself today!! Good job baby girl!!

{Hey Baby Let's Go To Vegas!!...}

My mom came down for spring break to enjoy the St. George house-:) We went shopping in Vegas and Daisy did so well! Fun day with two of my favorites!

{Priceless Pic...-:)}

So glad I have this pic of my sweet grandma and daughter-:)