June 17, 2013

{Fun at Grandma's...}

{Happy Father's Day!!...}

Happy Father's Day to my amazing dad & hubby!! To my dad...I have no words to describe how much you mean to me! You are so supportive and you have always been my #1 fan! Daisy loves you so much! It's so much fun to see you as a grandpa! To my hubby...I never thought that I could be more in love with you than I already was. I was so wrong! I fell more in love with you the day you met our gorgeous daughter!  We love you and appreciate all you do for us!

{Vegas Baby!!...}

We had such a great time in Vegas! It was so relaxing and so needed!! We went spent our days lounging at the pool, shopping, and eating too much amazing food!! Our favorite restaurants were the Sugar Factory & Maggianos. We also went to the Cirque "O" show at the Bellagio. It was amazing!! I love traveling with my hubby!!

{To Grandma's House She Goes...}

We left out sweet girl for the first time so we could have some alone time in Viva Las Vegas!! She did awesome! She loved swimming in the pool, taking baths in the big tub, eating pancakes with Grandpa...the girl was in heaven!! She even helped me pack her suitcase-;) It's the same suitcase I had when I was little so it's extra special!!

June 12, 2013

{Cousin Love...}

{Cute Girl In Cute Overalls!!...}

{Daddy's Day...}

We loved spending the day with Adam for his birthday! Daisy especially loved decorating his birthday card!

{Happy Birthday To My Man!!...}

Happy Birthday to my hunky Mr. He is the most amazing, sweetest, thoughtful, loyal, hardworking man!! We had a great day! Daisy and I took him to lunch and out for ice cream! Looking forward to many more birthdays!!

{When Daddy Comes Home...}

It's a happy day when Daddy gets home!!

{This Is How I Roll...}

{Last Day Of School...}

This year was for sure an adventure!! Nonetheless, I love these little munchkins to pieces!!

{Thankful For My Girl...}

I'm feeling very thankful for my sweet girl today!! We had a tough day at the zoo the other day and I had a serious meltdown! Nothing seemed to make her happy and I felt so helpless and exhausted!! Today is a much better day! I definitely think that we are meant to have challenging days as moms so we appreciate the good days more!! Being a mommy is the best thing I've ever done!!

{Beckett's Blessing Day...}

A couple of weeks ago my sweet nephew Beckett was blessed! I love this little cutie to pieces and am so glad he's apart of our family!

{L2D Pixie Ball...}

I took Daisy to the L2D Pixie Ball and she loved seeing all the dancers! I can't believe that my baby will be starting dance this fall!! I can't wait to see her in a dance class setting and for her Daddy to join her next year at the pixie ball!!

{The Magic Dentist...}

I took Daisy to the dentist for the first time and it was such a great experience! She is super particular and shy, and so I thought it was going to be a nightmare! We walked in and there was this huge treehouse and she was instantly in heaven! We got in and they let her look around and explore for a bit. Dr. P came in and was seriously magic! He had her so engaged and excited that she cooperated so well! She now has all of her teeth and they are super healthy! She picked out a Jake & the Pirates toothbrush and a necklace. She left a happy girl and I was a happy mommy!! Yay for the dentist!!