July 1, 2013

{Simply Can't Get Enough Of These Cuties!!...}

{Love My darling Nephew!!...}

I might be slightly smitten!! He's just yummy!!

{Lake Powell Fun!!...}

We had a blast in Powell!! It's a family tradition to go every year with our family friends. I haven't been in about 10 years so I was super excited to take Dais!! She played in the sand, collected sea shells, went tubing, went fishing, jumped on the bed mats with Grandpa, and just relaxed!! It was a bummer that dad couldn't go-:(

{Lake Powell Here We Come!!...}

She is ready!! We can't wait!

{Little Cleaner Bug...}

Love my little helper bug!! She is worth having my house take 10X as long!!

{Happy Picture Day!!...}

Well today was a very happy day!!! After rescheduling our family pics/Daisy's 2 year old pics we finally had success!! I really wanted outdoor pictures in an orchard. The day we planned was awful!!! Freezing and windy!! It was miserable!! Then we had to reschedule two more times but this time was the charm!! Daisy was super happy and we had lots of fun doing it!

{Summa Time!!...}

We love summer & Uncle Spen!! Daisy loves when he throws her in the air!!