September 25, 2013

{Merry-Go-Round Success!!...}

This little muffin went on her first ever Merry-Go-Round ride today! She has refused to go on any ride up to this point, so this is a huge accomplishment for her! She was a bit nervous at first but once we started going she loved it!! So proud of you Sis!!

September 23, 2013

{I adore this little human!!...}

Had THE best day with the mini today!! We had the best conversations!! She cracks me up all day long-:)

{I mean...This is probably the cutest thing ever!!...}

Oh my!! 2 going on 30!!! I better brace myself!!

{The Papa...}

I am so lucky that this guy is my father-in-law and Daisy's Papa!! He has such a way with her-:) We love him so much!

{My Besties...}

Loved seeing my Besties at Annie's baby shower today! These girls are amazing and I am beyond blessed to have them in my life!!

{Cabin Fun...}

I took the doll up to the cabin overnight to visit my grandparents and we had a blast!! We swung, jumped on the tramp, slid down the slide, went jeeping, moose watched, played in the cardboard house great-grandpa made and just spent some quality time together! I'm so blessed to still have my grandparents in my life and for their amazing health! I love sharing my fun child memories at the cabin with my own daughter-:)

September 18, 2013

{Daisy & Kar Kar...}

These two muffins could be sisters!! They love each other so much!!

{Big Girl Bed!!!...}

How did this happen so fast?!?y baby is in a big girl bed!! She loves it!!

{My Heart & Soul...}

{My Lil' Shopping Buddy...}

Love this darling munchkin to pieces!!


Daisy and I went to visit Mimi at Secret Haven!! They dress up every year for their Halloween boutique!! Mimi looks fab every year!! Daisy wasn't quite sure what to think of her!!

September 9, 2013

{Where's my diet coke lady?!?...}

This is the face she gave the waitress when she brought her a lemonade...She said "Lady, where's my diet coke?" She's hilarious!!

{Charlie & Daisy...}

I have a feeling that these two will be the best of friends one day...just like their mommy's!!

{How lucky am I??...

I wonder every day!! Took this little to dance & tumbling today!! I think she's going to love it!!


I love them!!

{Dancing In Vegas!!...}

I went with these lovely ladies to Vegas for some awesome new dance curriculum!! I'm so excited to help direct our recital program this year!! Great things are in store for L2D!!

{First Birthday Party!!...}

Daisy got invited to her first "friend" birthday party!! She had so much fun jumping in the jump house and eating cupcakes!!

{Davis County Fair!!...}

This year we went to the fair with the Roundy's!! We played games, jumped in the bounce house, saw elephants, petted goats and bunnies, and attempted to ride a ride!! Little Daisy would have no part if any ride there!! She was terrified and threw the biggest fit!! Maybe next year!!

{I am a big girl!!...}

I took Daisy in for a much needed trim! Mindy washed and blowdryed it!! My girl looks so grown up! We had to stop by grandma's to show her, and if course take a sip if her Pepsi haha!!

{Sooo Loving This!!...}

I bought the little Miss her first pairs of dancing shoes!! Her taps and ballets!!! I can't wait to share my love of dance with my baby girl!!

{Oakridge with the Fam!!...}