October 21, 2013

{Daisy Loves Her Beckett...}

This was the sweetest thing ever! Daisy asked Chelsea if she could hold Beckett. She kept saying "He's so cute..."He's so sweet" She even sang I Am A Child Of God to him. She is such a sweet and sensitive little girl. She'll make a great big sister some day-:)

{Billy & Natalie's Wedding Dinner...}

We had a fun night at the Timbermine celebrating Billy & Natalie! We are so excited for them and can't wait for their wedding!!


We enjoyed a fun day with Mimi &  Papa, Aunt Kris, Dayton, & Davis!!

{I Love Having A Daughter!!...}

I adore this sweetheart! We had the best girls day today! We went shopping and out to lunch...just the two of us! I love the conversations we have!

October 16, 2013

{Two Cute Little Pumpkins...}

Dais is loving her new Minnie Mouse pumpkin that she made at Stacee's house! Best day ever!!


My little lady looking so grown up!!

{Oh So Serious!!...}

These two are still so "ADORDABLE" as Daisy would say...even when they are so serious-:)

{Sisterly Love...}

These two love each other like sisters-:)

{Melts My Heart...}

My grandma was teaching Dais to play songs on the piano-:) She was in heaven singing at the top of her lungs! I love that my grandma is sharing her talents with my daughter! We are so lucky!!

{When Mommy's Away...The Daddy And Her Will Play!...}

Fun times with the daddy!

{The Perfect Pumpkin...}

{Dais & Her Bestie...}

Oh how much she loves him!

{Sleeping Beauty...}

She was a great shopping partner while it lasted! I could stare at this beautiful face all day long-:)