December 18, 2014

{Preschool Christmas Party!!...}

Daisy had so much fun at her preschool Christmas party today! She seriously has the BEST teachers!! She was all smiles coming out with her gingerbread house and her new Barbie! This girl is too much fun!

{He's Home!!...}

So happy to have this guy home for the holidays! I've really missed him the last few months!


"Mommy is it appopiat to wear jus my panties to preschool?!? After explaining why it wasn't "appropriate" for the millionth time this week she said "Oh man!! I guess I'll wear my Christmas jammies." This girl has my heart!

{Pajama Dance Party!!...}

It was a wear your pajama's to dance kinda day!

{Oh Daisy!...}

Today I asked her what she wanted for lunch before school. She said "Let's jus hit up Supas after school!!" I adore the things she says! We of course hit up "Zupas" after school!

December 15, 2014

{Pool Day...}

Such a fun swim/lunch date with my main girl! Checking off our off track bucket list one by one!

{Tis The Season...}

Tis the Season for family parties! Santa sent his elf and he didn't disappoint! New Elsa & Anna glitter glider dolls-:) Fun night out with my family!

December 14, 2014

{Date Night...}

Sometimes you don't need a reason to get all gussied up for your man! We had a great night out at Ruth's Chris! Love my guy!


The other night we let Daisy choose where to go out to eat..."I want to go to Swingers's!" She truly thinks that's what it is called....we don't have the heart to tell her. It's too dang cute!!

December 11, 2014

{New Car!!...}

I got me a new car! A brand new 2014 Nissan Murano! I love it!

{Ellie The Elf...}

Our Daisy girl was amazing tonight at her dance recital! We were so proud! She was seriously the cutest thing ever! Every now and then throughout the dance she would stop and wave at her fan club in the audience-:) She has grown so much this past year in dance. So impressed with this dollface!


{Christmas Pics...}

I'm obsessed with how Daisy's Santa pictures turned out! The Santa we normally get pictures with was unavailable this year so we went a different direction and let Adam dress up as Santa! I'm so thrilled with how the photos turned out! They look like they are right out of a storybook!


Received this package from my baby brother...he is continuing the tradition...I'm so beyond grateful for him-:)

{Mailing her letter to Santa!!...}

Someone's excited for Christmas!!

{Best Day Ever...}

{Ellie The Elf...}

Ellie the Elf was a little late this year! She for sure made it up to my sweet girl with a new Tinkerbell doll! We love when Ellie comes to visit at Christmas!

{Kar Kar's Birthday!!...}

Happy Birthday to one of our faves! Daisy loves her Kar Kar!


Had a great Thanksgiving down in St. George! It was fun to spend time with family!


Daisy is obsessed with her stuffed animals. She has a new favorite every. single. day. She has to take it everwhere! Today was no exception! We had to take Lammy into Boondocks with us! Love this crazy girl!

{Freaking Cute!!!...}

Daisy was sent this kimono to model for a clothing shop. Her poses lately are cracking me up!