January 26, 2014

{I am so Beautiful!!...}

Stacee took Dais to the store and bought her a tiara. She kept looking in the mirror and saying "We are twins!! We are beautiful!!" I adore my beautiful girl so much!!!

January 23, 2014

{Lunching with the most adorable little!!...}

{Love My Ladies!!...}

It was so great to get together with my Besties!!! These girls mean the world to me!! I can't believe we've stayed so close since high school! This right here is the meaning of true friends-:)

{I Die!!!...}

Could she get any cuter?? She has the sweetest personality to match!!

{My Loves...}

These two have the sweetest relationship!!! They are my everything-:)

{Date Night!!...}

Love me a date night with my babe!!

{Happy Birthday Dad!!...}

Happiest birthday to the most caring, loving, hard working man I know! I'm the luckiest!!!

{Chuck E Cheese Cuties!!...}

Fun day at Chuck E Cheese with two of our favorite people!!

{Cutie Pie...}

I love this cuddle bug! She finds the funniest places to snooze!!! As long as she has her cuddle blanket she is set!!!

{You're a winner!!!...}

This potty thing is starting to click!!! Cutest thumbs up I have ever seen!!

{She's my reason every day!!!...}

{Charity Show!!...}

Our studio had the opportunity to come together with two other studios to take part in a fundraiser for disabled children. My girls were amazing and it was such a great experience and such a positive way to give back-:)

{Christmas 2013...}

In love with my little family!!!

January 9, 2014

{When it's a blizzard outside...we go swimming!!!

We had such a fun day together at the rec center! Love my days off with my girl!!

{I want to get baptized Mommy!!...}

We got to see Chloe get baptized and Daisy loved it!! She kept asking if she could get baptized when she's three!! I love that she has such great examples to look up to!

{Discovery Gateway!!!...}

Fun with cousins at Discovery Gateway!!

January 5, 2014

{Lunch With This Doll!!...}

While out shopping Daisy says "Mommy, we should probably go to Cafe Veestro!!" Oh how I love my shopping/lunch dates with this doll! Especially at Cafe Bistro-:)

{Our Little Artist!!...}

This girl loves to draw, color, and paint!!! She got a new art set from her Mimi and Papa for Christmas and she is obsessed!!!

January 1, 2014

{Smoochie Smooch!!..}

Happy New Year! Bring on 2014!!!