February 27, 2014

{Yep!! You're Awesome!!...}

Me: Hey Dais, what ya doin? Dais: oh I'm jus being awesome and deckering my garbash!!

{You better work!!..}

I recruited my bestie to work out!! It was a tough one but we pulled through! Always a good time with this one!!

February 17, 2014

{Together Is The Best Place To Be!!...}

I enjoyed my day off lunching, shopping, and movie going with my favorite little girlfriend! I love hanging with just me and my little girl!

{The Newest Build-A-Bear Toy!!...}

This sweet thing is the newest stuffed animal that Build-A-Bear has to offer! Good thing I snagged the only one!

[Our World...}

We don't know what we did before this sweet angel! We love her so much!

February 16, 2014


Such a fun Valentine's spend with my cousins and grandma! She took Beckett & the girls to Build-A-Bear! It was for sure worth the wait!

{Smooches For Days-:)}

{Happy Valentine's Day To Me!!...

{Valentine Dance Party!!...}


This is our absolute favorite time of the day!! We love to put her to bed but not without first hearing about all the events of the day! She loves to read, sing, and say prayers.

{Snug as a bug...}

My two tired loves at church-:)

{Camping Fun...}

It's a camping in her room kind of night!!

February 8, 2014

{IcE cReAm RuN...}

Ice Cream run with our girl! Her first kiddie cone! She was in heaven!

[She Melts Me...}

Little Miss Daisy loves to help put her waffles in the toaster!! She always wants to help with something-:)

{My Little Dancer...}

My girl is really starting to enjoy dance! It's so fun to take her with me each week!! She is so yummy! I could smooch her all day!!

{Thumbs Up!!...}

Her new favorite thing to do!! Tiara and all!!

[Midway Ice Castles!!...}

We had so much fun visiting the ice castles up in Midway with Adam's family-:) Daisy was so excited to see "Elsa's castle". She loves the movie Frozen and will sing the songs every day!

{My Two Faves...}

I am so blessed to have these two in my life! They are more than I ever hoped for!!

February 2, 2014

{Big Girl Potty!!...}

This girl has been amazing this week with the potty!!! It has really started to click for her!! We are so proud of her!! I love her cheese face!! She kills me!!

{Mom...I'm Good!!...}

Me: What ya doing Dais? Dais: Oh mom I'm good!! I'm just getting some Oreos for my dinner!!! I love her thumbs up! Now if I could just get her to eat healthier!!