May 30, 2014

{This Girl...}

May 28, 2014

{Cute as a button!!...}

{This Lady...}

Love this friend of mine so much! She loves my girl like her own and is always there for me whenever I need her! We should have started our friendship a long time ago!! Love her!

May 26, 2014

{Family Fun!...}

May 24, 2014

{Mommy's Girl!!...}

{Ewas Pwast!!...-}

So this just happened today!?! This big girl got her ears pierced! She did amazing and didn't even cry! So proud of her! She picked out Sophia the First chapsticks and a new princess brush!

May 23, 2014

{These Divas!!...}

So fun to teach these dolls this year! I think I have built in babysitters for life!

{My Sunshine...}

My little sunshine looking so big! Today she said "Mommy, remember when I was in your tummy and you thought I was your best friend?" I love her and our daily conversations that mean so much to me!

May 21, 2014

{My Lil' Tumbler...}

Daisy finished her first year of tumbling with Miss Lisa! She was always so excited to go! She came a long way this year in learning to follow directions, take turns, and to be more social-;) What a great year!

May 20, 2014

{Tutu Cute...}

May 19, 2014


"Don't worry Mommy! I'll save you on my scoota!"

{Because she's the coolest kid on the block...}

May 18, 2014

{Flower Girl...}

{Mommy and Me...}

Last night was such a fun night with my girl! We went and took Mommy and Me pictures to surprise Adam for Father's Day! We went to a beach in Daybreak and just played! So fun! I can't wait to see how they turned out-:) I adore having a baby girl!

May 17, 2014

{Three Year Old Pics...}

I fell in love with these Easter pictures that I had done for Daisy! It was such a fun shoot! I can't believe I have a three year old!

{Tiana was a hit!!...}

Maliyah came to the pixie ball and dressed up as Tiana and Daisy was in heaven!! She followed her around everywhere and just wanted to hug every second! I love my little girly girl!

{Pixie Ball 2014!...}

This was seriously the cutest night ever! Daisy was obsessed with the Pixie Ball! She was so sad when it was over! So fun that these two are so close in age and get to share this together!

May 16, 2014

{I about Died!!..}

So the other day Dais comes in the bathroom looking like this!! She said "Mom, look at my new styles!" I then asked who she was talking to. She then said "Mom, it's my husband...he wants to take to Red Robin's for lunch!" She cracks me up!

{L2D Hearts Unite...}

Tonight was our final competition showcase for the year! The theme was heart unite to support our sweet dancer Abbey Harris who has been in the hospital for last couple of months. We were so proud to wear our pink Abbey shirts to show our support! I sure love that Dais is now apart of my L2D family-:)

{Daddy's Little Princess...}

Just a daddy taking his little princess to the ball!!

{Love this Face!!...}

She's happy!!

May 12, 2014

{Daisy's Drawings...}

So fun to see her progress with drawing people! Everyday she adds new details-:)

{This girl...}

A crazy hat...Sportsbra for a shirt...mommy's thong...mommy's sandals...I'd say she is ready to go!! Love my funny girl!

{Happy Mother's Day...}

Today I'm so blessed to be a mother to my beautiful girl! I am so grateful for my mom and Kandie for the great examples they are to me! I adore this bottom pic of my mom and I! It was such a great day spend with just my little family! Dais drew my a sweet card and gave me a spa certificate. We went out to lunch and shopping. So fun! I'm a lucky girl!

May 11, 2014

{Rockin' Robin...}

Today was this little Rockin' Robin's Spring recital and she was so darling and did such a good job! I love to see her on stage!! It has been so fun teaching her this year! Love this tiny dancer!!