June 30, 2014

{Pincess Dress...}

"Ashley!! My Da will love me in dis dress!! I look like a pincess!!"

{Summer Lovin!!...}

We love our backyard so much more now that we have a fence! Summer is so much fun with this girl!

June 29, 2014

"Lady I did it!!...}

"Lady I did it!! I'm stron like my da!! She had been practicing this for weeks! I loved to see the excitement on her cute little face! So proud of you baby girl!

{Movie Date!...}

Spent the rainy day with this lovely lady at the movie theater and playing dressups! Love my little best friend!

{Take a picture My Lady!!...}

Today we played dressups with my old dance costumes! She is obsessed and names each costume after a Disney princess-:) She says to me "Take a picture of me my lady!" She is on this new kick with calling me Lady and Adam Sir. She cracks us up on a daily basis I swear! She is going to be a heartbreaker for sure! There is absolutely nothing I can do about it!

{Check this out!!...}

"Check this out Mom!! Can I have some doreeedoz cause you are so proud of me?!? She's so dang funny sometimes!


Love me a cute babe fresh from the bath! Especially my sweet babe!

{Thumbs up for Boondocks!!...}

Had such a fun day with my little family at Boondocks! Dais was finally tall enough to ride in the bumper boats! So fun!

{Just a babe with his babe...}


"Mom take a pic by the flowas I gwood!" I hate that she's getting so big!! However, this is by far the funnest stage for me. I adore her sweet self!

{Love Bugs...}

{No Reason...}

Sometimes you don't need a reason-:)

{Papa the entertainer...}

We met up with Adam's family at Tepanyaki to celebrate Adam's birthday! After dinner Papa was telling the kids a story and I had to snap a pic! They were all so into it!

{Dis is the life!!...}

Daisy was taking a bath the other day and she was laying back relaxing when she said "Mom, dis is the life!!" She is seriously hilarious! I die over the things she says!

{Celebrating our Dad & Grandpa!...}

Daisy and I took my dad out to lunch to celebrate Father's Day! I sure do love my daddy daughter time!

{Love these dolls!!...}

I just love these dolls! Dais always has so much fun with her Kar Kar!!

June 15, 2014

{Father's Day Fun!!...}

We had a great day celebrating our amazing daddy! He spent the morning golfing and ended the day having lunch an playing at station park! Happy Father's Day to you babe!

Happy Father's Day...

I am sure one lucky girl! Soooo beyone grateful for my wonderful dad and for the love and support he gives me! I'm even more grateful to my wonderful husband and for the amazing daddy he is to our girl! Love them both so much!

[This Face...}

This beautiful face can make me smile no matter what! I love when this cutie looks up at me and calls me mom!

{Tiny Dancer...}

I am so loving Daisy's first year dance pictures! She did so good this year! Can't wait to see her growth this upcoming year-:) She sure had a cute little class! Love these little Rockin' Robins!

[Brand Rep!!!...}

This doll face is the newest brand/rep model for Little Miss Co headbands!! I just decided to enter her and she was one of the cuties that was chosen! So fun!

June 11, 2014

{Terell Davis...}

Adam was pretty stoked that he got to meet Terell Davis when he went out of town for work-:) It was pretty funny when he told me he had met him because I seriously had no idea who he was! My poor hubby!! Haha!!

{Happy Birthday!!...}

Happy Birthday to THE best husband and daddy ever! Daisy and I are so very lucky to have him and feel blessed every day-:) We celebrated by going out to dinner to Texas Roadhouse and to Coldstone for dessert-:) Daisy was so excited to give him his Spiderman balloons that she had picked out for him! Daisy loves birthdays and sang to him to many times to count! Happy Birthday babe! 32 never looked so good!

{Be Still My Heart...

Oh how I love this little girl! She can seriously fall asleep in the funniest places!

{Ice Ice Baby!...}

Sometimes you just have to get a popsicle!! Such a fun day with our bug swimming at Bountiful Rec Center!

June 7, 2014


Such a fun lunch today with my longtime best friend Mylee! We of course had to get a pic of our cute girls together-:)


I so am...so was the rest of the dentist's office today! She's just so stinkin adorable!

June 4, 2014

{Daisy Flowers...}

Daisy was so excited when her Daddy brought home her very own daisy flowers to grow-:) Best daddy ever!

{Swimming with our favorites!!...}

{St.George Fun!!...}

We had such a fun few days in St. George with grandma & great-grandma! Love a good girls trip-:)

June 1, 2014

{Bikini Babe...}

We sure love that grandma and grandpa have a swimming pool!


I love this age so much! She's got all her friends ready to watch a show! I adore her little imagination!

{Cabin Time!!...}

We love spending time up at my grandparents cabin! I love the memories my girl is creating with them!

{Sunbathing Beaties...}