July 30, 2014

(Happy Five Years To Us!!...}

I can't believe it's been five years since I married this stud! I love him so much! I truly feel that my life started the day we got married! Thanks for making me the happiest girl in the world! I can't wait for our future and to see what is in store for us!

{Hogle Zoo Fun!!...}

Such a fun day at the zoo with my little family! Daisy loved it!

{Pinch Me...}

Most of the time we have to pinch ourselves that this sweetheart is ours. We never knew the amazing joy and love that she would bring into our lives! We love you Daisy Dayton!!

{Happy Pioneer Day!...}

{Still Cute...}

This little is still just as cute and sweet when she's sick-:(


She's a little darling-:)

July 15, 2014

{Mini Me...}

I sure love my little "Mini Me"


"What ya lookin at Fairy Mary? Dis is cool!!"

She cracks us up! She has been on a Tinkerbell kick where all she calls herself is Tinkerbell. I am Fairy Mary and her daddy is Terrence! Funny Funny girl!

{Fun Day!...}

We had such a fun day today meeting up with my good friend Dena and her cute girls! Dais was in heaven with so many cute girls to play with! She even got to go with Presley to see her get her ears pierced! Of course Daisy is a pro and told her "Peslee just be bwave!!...}

{We ADORE you!!...}

Yep...pretty much!!

July 12, 2014

{My Heart...}

July 10, 2014

{Mommy & Me...}

I took Daisy and did a beach themed photo shoot for Adam for Father's Day! We are so happy at how they turned out! He loved them!!

July 9, 2014

{Cherry Hill Fun!...}

I took Dais to Cherry Hill for the first time and she loved it! We went with Rachel, Amy, & Kyler-:) Daisy's favorite part was the Pirate Cove and the lazy river! Love my little girl!


Just a princess playing "pincess"!! I love her cute imagination!

[These Boys!!...}

Congrats to these boys for following closing the deal and coming out on top as Kaysville City Softball Champions! Way to go guys!!


"Danks Mom for dis smoodie!!...}

{I hope I win!!...}

I hope I win! I'm not good at these games haha! I'm shooting for the blue-eyed beauty in the middle!!

{Just Dawling!!...}

Me: Dais you can't go to Café Rio like that!" Dais: But mom!! I look just dawling!!"

{Fourth of July!!...}

We had a great 4th! We just did our usual...Kaysville parade, & swimming and a bbq at my parents! Dais zonked out early before the fireworks! The hot day wore her out!