August 19, 2014

{Great Gatsby...}



August 13, 2014

{Welcome Home!!...}

It's so good to have this guy home! Even if it's only for a short couple of weeks!

{Crackin Me Up!!!...}

"Ashley dis spot is so welaxing!!" This girl seriously cracks me up! We are getting my car fixed at the autobody shop. She also told the receptionist that "a vewee mean lady wended Mommy's car!"

{This hair!!!...}

{My People...}

August 7, 2014

{Rock That Top Knot!!...}

Rock that top knot baby!! This is how she rolls!! All day every day!!


I seriously can't get enough of her cheese!

{Blue Eyed Beauty...)

{This Guy...}

Love my man so much! He sent me these beautiful flowers to my school-:) We then celebrated up at the Alaskan Inn! I am such a lucky girl!