September 28, 2014

{Daisy & Daddy...}



I just love her...that's all...

{Little Fashionista...}

{Little Lady...}

September 16, 2014

{Daddy's Girl...}

{State Fair 2014...}

My cute little family went to the state fair the other night and we had a blast! Daisy loved it! This is the first time that she wanted to ride rides. Usually she is really cautious but she was such a big girl and rode on the train, merry-go-round, a real pony, and even jumped in the bounce house. It's been so fun for us to see her grow and not be so timid. I love spending time with my two faves!


Just a typical Saturday morning running around in her undies with her "julls" on!


September 11, 2014


Love this doll face! I can't wait to smooch her when she gets home from preschool!!

{Brand Rep...}

Daisy was chosen as a brand rep for Hello Miss Gorgeous! So excited for my girl!

September 9, 2014

{Mimi The Skeleton Rocker...}

Tonight was the annual Halloween Open House at Secret Haven! Daisy didn't know what to think of her Mimi all dressed up like a skeleton rocker! Haha so fun!

{Hardest Job...}

Being this doll's mom is the hardest job I have ever done or will ever do I'm sure. She has definitely let me know in more ways than one that she is THREE and that she knows all! I am so grateful for her. She teaches me patience and reminds me what's important in life. Above all she's taught me how to love more than I ever thought I could!

{The Little Mermaid...}

I took Daisy down to St. George to see The Little Mermaid at Tuachan! We went with my mom, Stacee, and Karlee-:) We had a blast and Daisy loved every single part of the show! She of course talked her way into a new Ariel and Eric doll!

{This girl...}

Me: Have fun at preschool today!"
Dais: "Mom you better not go to Swigs wifout me!! That's a good deal ok??" She cracks me up! We love us some Swig!

{Labor Day...}

We had such a fun Labor Day up in Park City! We went up at had lunch and took Daisy on some of the rides-:) Her favorites were the planes and the merry-go-round! Love me peeps!

{Bath Time Conversation...}

Me: "Dais, it's time to get out!
Dais: "No can do mom!
Me: Right now!!
Dais: "It's not nice to be angry with kids! Say sorry to me and make better choices mom! I fink that's a perfect idea for you!"

{My Heart...}

She melts me...

{Her Fave...}

"Lady go get some cookies for me and your husband!! You then will want to leave because you can be fwustwating sometimes!"

{First Day of Preschool!!...}

Today was our baby's first day of preschool! I was an emotional wreck all day! It was a good thing that I had to teach today because I might not have let her go! Grandma took her today and she did great! She walked right in and never looked back! I love her so much and can't believe how big she is getting!!

{Bee's Game!...}

Fun night out at the ball park for our last family outing before Uncle Spen leaves for Europe!

{"Swimming Star!!..."}

Congrats to our girl! She had her last day of swimming lessons today! She has taken for once a week for the past six weeks and has made so much progress! She is getting more comfortable laying on her back and holding onto the wall all by herself! So proud of our pretty girl!

{Bossy Pants!!..}

"Babe can you leave? I'm finking about what I have to get done today! Go call your husband or sumfing!"