February 21, 2015


They are obsessed with their heart jammies!!

{Happy 60th!!...}

Happy 60th birthdays to my amazing in-laws! So grateful for them!


These beautiful dancers KILLED it at competition today! Started off this season strong with a High Gold in contemporary & Platinum in Hip Hop! Way to go girls! Love my job!

February 20, 2015

{Her Buds...}

Walked in to get ready for bed and found this doll..."Mom I got all my buds redee for bed!" She cracks me up!

{My Girl...}

Had such a fun day off with this cutie! Treehouse museum and lunch! Sure do love her!

{Happy President's Day!..}

{Valentine's Day 2015...}

She sure was happy with the Valentine jammies Grandma gave her! I was equally happy with beautiful flowers Adam gave me! We are lucky girls!

{Looking so grown up!!}

My Daisy is looking so grown up these days! She gets to model bows for two darling shops! She loves her bows-:)


Thumbs up for donuts on a Saturday! Always a great idea!

{Preschool Fieldtrip!}

Fieldtrip to the dentist today! Dais loves her friend Charlie!

{This Face...}

Lunch with Stacee! I love getting these cute pics when I'm teaching-:)

{Scripture Time!!...}

My little doll recited her first scripture in primary today...I love watching her learn and grow! My heart might burst right now! Such a proud mommy moment!

{Jungle Jims...}

Fun family day at Jungle Jim's! I love my family so much!

{At School...}

She begs me all the time to come to my school! Today I let her! She was the best helper-:) I can't believe she will be a Kindergartner in two years!

{My Twins...}

Out to dinner with my two twins-:)