March 17, 2015


She has been counting down the days until this movie came out! What a great movie with such a great message! Have courage and be kind!

{Firestation Fieldtrip!!...)

Spent the afternoon with my girl at the Firestation-:) She was excited about the hat they gave her-:) I'm a lucky mama and they are for sure some lucky firefighters!!


"Mom is this fine to wear on the awaplane? I fink this outfit is just classic!!" This girl is so excited for Disneyland! We can't wait!

{Celebrate Daisy!!...}

Dais was so excited to celebrate her birthday at preschool! She picked out sprinkled cupcakes of course-:) We sure agree with the wonderful things he teachers said about her-:) Can't believe she will be 4 this week!

{Hot Mess!!...}

Some battles are just not worth fighting...This little and her mom decided to run to Costa Vida. Both having not gotten ready AT ALL I might add. A lady in line tells Daisy she likes her necklace. Daisy says "Thanks Lady! Me and my mom awe a hot mess!!" The lady was dying!! Haha!!


She still loves her afternoon naps...with her "pink blank"...and her daddy's cuddles...He loves his little girl so much!

{Lady Like...}

Looking like a little lady these days!! Sure do love her!

{Old Navy Dog...}

"Mom les pwetend these people awe my family k!" She was cracking me up standing as still as the mannequins. She gave some shoppers a pretty good laugh!

March 3, 2015

{Beauty Shop...}

These littles are so adorbs!! Doing each others' nails!!


{Date Night...}

Tonight was a much needed date night! Dais had fun with her "fwends" Kar Kar and Ky Ky!!


We had such a fun Saturday playing at the Treehouse Museum!


Love these babes! It was so fun to have Annie in town!

{Lulu June...}

Daisy is the newest rep for LuLu June headbands! She's to stinking cute!