April 3, 2015

{This guy...}

Lunch with my dad and her grandpa today! He is the busiest most hard working man I know. So grateful that he took time out of his busy day to spend time with us!

{That smile...}

{Someday her prince will come...}

{Sleeping Beauty...}

This real life Sleeping Beauty has to have her beauty rest!

{Beach Day...}

The last day of our trip we hit up Santa Monica Pier. Dais was in heaven playing in the sand-:) Love these two twinners so much!


So grateful for all you do babe! Love you so much!

{Easter Party with cousins!!...}

We went to Natalie's and had a fun Easter egg hunt and dyed eggs with cousins! It's always so much fun when we can get all together-:)

{These girls...}

Love these two! Love that Dais is still milking her birthday month! Haha!

{Model Baby...}

{Sassy Girl...}

Fun at Discovery Gateway today! We of course had to do lunch after-:)

{Princess Preschool Party!!...}

She was so excited about dressing up in her real life princess dress! Love her little pose-:) "Mom, dis is what pwincesses do."

{Love him...}

{She is 4!!!!...}

It's official! This little babe turned 4!! Baby girl you are our world and have brought so much joy and happiness into our lives! You are sweet, kind, sensitive, helpful, and so hilarious! You always keep up laughing! We feel incredibly blessed and lucky you our ours! Happy Birthday beautiful girl!

{Happy Birthday to ME!!!!}

It was the perfect place to celebrate #34!!


We had the BEST time in Disneyland with our little family! We made memories that we will never ever forget! It was even more fun because Dais and I got to celebrate our birthdays there as well! The first day we got there and hung out at Downtown Disney that night. We ate at the Rainforest Café, visited the Lego Store and shopped around. The next day we did Disneyland. We started the day having a character breakfast-:) It was so fun seeing Daisy's face light up when she saw all the characters! She was so cute! She then go to have her hair and makeup done at the Bippety Boppety Boutique. She seriously looked like a real life princess! She was seriously edible! She was just darling! The next day we did California Adventure and Ariel's Grotto. Daisy loved meeting all the princesses! I will never ever forget the look on her face...so magical! The last day we stopped off at Santa Monica pier and played at the beach. This trip was so needed! It was the first time we have traveled anywhere just the three of us...it was perfect!