August 23, 2015

{Softball Champs!...}

Softball Champs! Way to go boys!

{Li'l Entertainer...}

Dinner at Oakridge! Entertaining us with our own private concert!


We LOVE Lagoon!!


She makes me so happy! I'm such a lucky mommy!


Party at Roy pool!

{Her Buds...}

This little lady has BIGGEST heart! She never goes anywhere without one of her "buds". Every day she loves on a different one because "Loving my buds is one of my specialties!" I think she's pretty awesome!

{Firestation Fun!!...}

Firestation fun with my first graders!

{Father's Day 2015...}

Happy Father's Day to these two amazing men in my life!!! Dais was so excited to celebrate her daddy today!!

{She's 90!!...}

She's 90!! Happy Birthday Grandma Dayton!!

{Diet Coke?!?..,}

"Mommy want to welax and have a diet coke with me?!? Me: "Dais that's nice but you can't have a diet coke to drink, Daisy; "Ah NUTS!! I was finking I couid use my nicest words to put a spell on you to say yes!"

{Dinosaur Museum...}

Fun at the Dinosaur Museum! Love these two crazies! They are practically twins!


"I weally hope dis wever gets fings sitcwated! I might have a meltdown and doz are NOT fun!"


We had a great day celebrating our favorite guy!