January 29, 2016

{Eva's Bakery...}

Eva's Bakery with two of my favorites!!

January 28, 2016

{You are not that good...}

As I as singing to her before bed she ever so sweetly whispered "Mom, you're not very good at that. Maybe you can just scratch my back instead."

January 21, 2016

{Beach Party Day!!...}

Daisy was so excited for her preschool beach party today! I love her girly and sassy personality so much!

January 17, 2016

{One Step At A Time...}

"Mom...I fink because I'm almost five I should start wearing my hair down more...but only on church days though! I have to take it one step at at a time!~Daisy

January 14, 2016

{When I Grow Up...}

Today was occupational day at preschool for Dais-:) "I want to be a mom when I grow up! I want to get me a husband and have many kids and be happy and stuff!" I loved how she chose her entire outfit by herself. She was so proud! She even completed the look with a purse with her lipstick and cellphone in it and a diaper bag for her baby doll Kate. Oh how I love this girl of mine!

January 9, 2016

{New Years Eve 2015...}

Happy New Year's Eve with my little crew! I ended up throwing up all night and went to bed early-:( These two stayed up and partied without me! Love these two and I'm excited for a new year of adventures!


Kris, Natalie, and I took the kids to the planetarium. They loved it! It's always so fun when we can get us all together!

{Little Fawn...}

This girl has my whole heart! I took her to a new play place today called Storybrook Play Cafe! Such a fun place where moms can relax and the kiddos can play. Love my time with my sweet girl!