July 27, 2016

{Think Pink...}

{24 Weeks..}

I'm head over heels with this baby BOY of mine! This little profile makes it ALL worth it! We can't wait to meet him and already love him so much!

{Sunshine + Cute Friends...}

Daisy LOVES Summer and her cute friends! We have such a fun neighborhood of cute girlies-:) She had so much fun at her bestie Claire's birthday bash!

July 18, 2016

{My Mermaid...}

So dang proud of my little swimmer!! She just finished up her week of swimming lessons and did great! She passed off her back crawl, front crawl, backstroke, and swimming underwater. She's determined and gained lots of confidence. Now if we can just get her to jump off the diving board. She told me she just wasn't "emotionally prepared" to do it. Love this funny girl and her larger than life vocabulary!


Jump park all to themselves today!! They are in heaven! Under 46 inches is awesome when you can still come to "Toddler Time". These two will always be babies to me-:)


Such a perfect night for a photo shoot with Think Pink. So fun to see our friends we haven't seen in a while. Love my pretty girl!

{Date Night...}

Date night with my babe of a husband!

{Cherry Hill Monkeys...}

Cherry Hill with the cutest monkeys!

July 7, 2016


"Mom! I'm especting too!" (I love how she adds and -s instead of an -x-:)

{Go Daisy!!...}

This girl finally jumped into the pool by herself! Wahoo! She's been so nervous and finally did it over and over again today! You're so awesome Miss Daisy!

{Happy Birthday America!...}

What a fun holiday we had today! Lots of yummy food, pool time, and spending it with friends and family-:)


My favorite girl!


Such a fun day hanging out at Lagoon for our Boyce reunion-:) I sure love my family!

{20 Week Baby Bump!...}

I can't believe we are already half way to meet our little man! We are getting so excited! Daisy is constantly rubbing, kissing, and talking to her baby brother. She loves to stuff babies in her shirt to look like me. Such a long awaited time for my sweet family-:)


Always posing with the mannequins-:)

{Lagoon A Beach!...}

Daisy and her bestie Claire at Lagoon A Beach!

{Pool Day...}

We LOVE Summer and our days at the pool!

{Father's Day 2016...)

I always had my idea of what kind of Father I'd want for my future kids...I had pretty high expectations because of the high bar my own Father had set. Adam is by far the best daddy to his pride and joy! I"m amazed at his love, patience, and complete selflessness when it comes to his little girl. After long days working he is always eager to put everything aside to play with her doing whatever she wants him to. She's so so lucky to have him and their relationship is something very special-:) Thanks babe for exceeding my expectations and for being the most amazing baby daddy to our beautiful daughter and to our soon to be little man! We love you more than ever! Happy Father's Day!

{Peter Pan...}

Seeing Peter Pan at Tuacahn with my cute crew!