August 18, 2016

{Princess Shoot...}

Beautiful night at La Caille for a Think Pink photo shoot! It was magical! She loved to get all dolled up like a princess-:)

{Third Trimester Baby BUMP!!...}

Third trimester baby bump!! I can't believe we are weeks away from meeting our little dude! It's amazing how much I love him already! Feeling so grateful to carry him and to be his mom. Crazy to think this big belly will get even bigger!! I'm trying to embrace the big belly, swollen feet, and achy joints. It's tough sometimes but when I think of what we've gone through I would do it all over again. November can't come soon enough!!


While taking a bath..."Mom, have seen the commercial about those wipes that take off 90% of your makeup?!? It's called Neutrogena! It's kiss proof, spy proof, and state proof!!" Love my silly girl and the adorable things she says! She for sure always has us laughing about something!

{Big Sis...}

Just practicing how to be a big sissy! She's so excited and I can't wait for her to see her brother for the first time!

{Back to school shopping...}

Back to school shopping with these dolls! They cared way more about buying a toy and getting a treat! Such a fun day but I think next time Aunt Chelsea and I will go by ourselves-:)

{Big City Kids!!...}

SO AWESOME!! Daisy was featured in Big City Kids magazine! She was so excited! It's been so fun having her model and work with fun photographers and most importantly make new friends! Proud of you Daisy girl!

{BIG Girl Bike...}

Best SURPRISE ever!! She loves to wait for her daddy when he gets home from his business trips. He came home later than usual and surprised her with a new big girl bike! She was so excited!! We really are blessed with the best!