September 16, 2016

{Bathing Beauty...}

Finally got her first year competition pictures back! Love this beauty of mine!

{BE KIND...}

This girls is pretty dang awesome!!...She's been telling us about a boy at school that makes fun of how she colors...She's really the sweetest thing and when we try to explain to her that some people are mean even if you are nice to them is a hard concept for her to understand. We just tell her to be kind to everyone no matter what. Today she told me he was mean again and the mama bear in me as so mad because I could tell it made her sad. I told her I was sorry and she said "It's ok...he probably just needs a friend. I"m choosing to be extra kind to him." Thanks for the reminder sweet girl! We all need to remember to choose to be kind.

{We LOvE this Clown!...}

Secret Haven Halloween Open House!! Daisy looks forward to this every year. She wasn't sure what to think of her Mimi!

September 9, 2016

{Get your LEMONADE!!!...}

These cuties had so much fun selling lemonade, chips, and popsicles and our family yard sale! They earned $28 to split-:)

{Family of 4!!...)

My family of four shadow shot! We can't wait to meet this new little dude!

(Lil Fashionista...)

My cute fashionista picked out every single outfit/hairdo this week for color week! I think she did a pretty dang good job! Love my girlie girl so much!

(SHE DID IT!!!...)

Our baby girl did it!! She finally got her back hand spring!! She's been working so hard on this all summer and it finally paid off! She was so proud of herself! Way to go sweet girl-:) We can't wait to see all you accomplish in this life!

(Jr. D'ette...)

Our cute little Jr. D'tete danced tonight at our alma mater...good old Davis High! So fun to see her perform on the same field I danced and coached on. Love this girl!

{First Week Success!!...}

First week success for my cute Kindergartener! She has loved it and we are so grateful! My favorite part of the day is her running into my arms after school each day to tell me about all the new things she's learning. It has been quite an adjustment not teaching school this year but when I get to see her sweet face light up every day at pickup I know I'm right where I'm supposed to be. She's been so funny this week telling us all about her new class. The other day she was telling us about the rules. She said, "We can only interrupt the teacher for three reasons...If we are PUKING, BLEEDING, or DYING!" So dang funny! Love this baby girl of mine!

{First Day...}

Just dropped my little lady off to Kindergarten all by herself. My mama heart kinda broke I'm not going to lie-:( I cried the whole way home. She on the other hand couldn't have been more excited! As she hugged me goodbye she assured me she would be fine. I adore her little self with all that I have and will be counting the minutes to when I get to pick her up and hear all about how awesome her day was. I love you so much my sweet girl!

{Sugar and Spice...)

Beautiful summer night for a shoot!

{Smarty Pants...}

Two thumbs up for Kindergarten testing today! This girl is going to do great things this year!

{She's a Kindergartener!!!...}

My heart went to Kindergarten today! I'm so proud of her and know she's going to accomplish great things! She was so excited! Before we walked into her class she stopped and took a deep breath and said "Mommy, I believe in myself!! I'm a big girl now and I've got this!" I couldn't love her more! Happy first day of Kindergarten my darling Daisy!


Oh how I love her! As I as rushing out the door today for church I was stopped by this sweet girl packing her purse and calmly singing "I Love To See The Temple." Her spirit is the sweetest and she has blessed our lives so much! Kids are so amazing and really remind us to slow down and remember what's most important in life. big does she look?!?

{Mimi & Papa's...)

What is the best night/day ever?!? Spending the night and hanging out with Mimi and Papa of course! She had so much fun sleeping over and staying up until midnight (haha), going to the Dinosaur Museum, farm country, swimming, and making cookies. She loves them so much and we are so grateful they are in her life!