November 3, 2016

{Maternity thoughts and messages...}

Tomorrow is this sweet miracle's birthday...I can't believe it's really here. I'm feeling every emotion possible today. I love you so very much my sweet boy and I can't to FINALLY meet you and hold you in my arms! I love Daisy more than life. I's hard to comprehend how my heart will expand even more when her little brother gets here. She has prayed for this baby for so long and when I seemed to lose faith along the way she was always there reassuring me that all would be ok. I believe with everything I have that she knew this baby would come to our family. Daisy you are truly something special. Your spirit is sweet, kind and you are so in tune to others feelings. Thank you for choosing me and for letting have the opportunity to raise you. You are growing up so fast and I know that you are going to rock this big sister thing! Love~Mommy When we decided to to try IVF, I wasn't sure I wanted many people to know. Not that I was ashamed by it...I think I just didn't want anyone to feel "sorry" for me. As I went through he emotional process I knew I could help others that were going through the same exact thing. Sometimes we are given trials to not only strengthen us but to help us strengthen others through our own trials. I am proud of my mind and body and all it has been through especially in the past 10 months. I know that I'm stronger than I could have ever imagined,I have learned a lot about faith and patience, and I know I'll never ever take being a mommy for granted. I also know that I have the best man by my side that would do anything in the world for me and his family. We can't wait to meet our little dude!!

{Kindergarten Pictures...}

My momma heart just might explode! I LOVE her Kindergarten pictures but am so sad at the same time with how fast she's growing up! Love my happy girl so much!

{Grandparent's Breakfast...}

Grandparent's Breakfast at school today! She was so excited! Thanks so much Mom and Dad for making her day special. She even got to go to the book fair and got a Shopkins book, puppy book, and some animal erasers. Mimi and Papa were definitely missed! She is a lucky little girl who is blessed with the best!

{Halloween 2016...}

"Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue. And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." My cute little Dorothy LOVED Halloween! We went trick-or-treating with cousins and had a yummy dinner at Dallas and Chelsea's. Love how close these cute kiddos are!