February 20, 2017

{My Valentines...}

{100th Day Of School!!...)

I can't believe my sweet Daisy has been in Kindergarten for 100 days! Time is flying! She got to make a hat with 100 things and she chose stickers-:) She said if she had $100 she would buy 100 teddy bears and 100 shopkins. She would not like 100 garbage cans. I sure love my creative girl!

{Blessing Day...}

My sweet miracle boy was blessed today and my heart is so full!! His daddy gave the most beautiful blessing that I know without a doubt he will live up to. Dash~We love you so much and you add such a bright light and and sweet spirit to our family. We couldn't love you more and not a day will go by that we won't be forever grateful and blessed that you are ours! Thanks for blessing us beyond measure!! Love~Mommy Hey Guys!! It's me Dash!! Today as my very own special day! It as my blessing day. My Daddy blessed me and I had my family all around me. I even got to wear the outfit my Daddy was blessed in when he was a baby. The spirit was so strong and peaceful and I feel so happy and so loved! #021917

{Valentine's Day...}

{3 Months!?!...}

{New House!!...}

{Little Hands...}


{Want a Raspberry??...)

{Angel Boy...}


{Loving this!!...}

February 2, 2017

{When Daddy comes home!!...}