June 17, 2018

{Father’s Day 2018...}

This Daddy is simply the best! He is their hero and their everything! He's good at so many things but he is the best at being their dad. His is so proud of his babies and loves them so much!! Happy Father's Day babe! We love you so much! Happy Father's Day to my amazing Dad! He's handsome, funny, protective, encouraging, my biggest fan, the one I get my squinty eye from, hardworking, adventurous, spontaneous, loyal, life of the party, the guy who would do anything for anyone, fun grandpa, and so much more!! I love you so much dad and am so grateful for your love and example!

June 10, 2018

{Birthday Boy!!...}

We celebrated our favorite guy at Lagoon today for his birthday! We even got Daisy to ride Colossus with him! Happy Birthday to the best daddy and hubby ever!


{Singer’s Company!!!...}

First year of Singer's Company in the books! Daisy was darling and I LOVE her sweet little voice! I love everything this program represents for young girls. Miss Heidi is amazing and Daisy adores her!

June 4, 2018

{Summer Fun!...}

June 3, 2018

{Stylish Designs...}