August 26, 2018

{Growing Up!...}

August 23, 2018

{Dance BABY!!!...}

Daisy has been working hard this summer learning her new choreography for the year! She is competing four routines this year! So excited to watch her try new things and grow more as a dancer this year-:)

{2nd Grade?!?...}

2ND GRADE HERE SHE COMES! My Beautiful Daisy~I can't believe you are already in 2nd grade! You were so excited this morning and couldn't wait to meet up with all of your friends! I'm so proud of you! i loe your kind heart, your determination, and your excitement for life! I can't wait to see you grow and learn this year! Remember to always be sweet and kind t everyone! Love~Mama

August 19, 2018

{40th Wedding Anniversary!!...}

Such a fun night celebrating at the Roof with my amazing in-laws! They have been married for 40 years and are such a great example to us-:)

{L2D Convention!...}

Such a fun couple of days learning from some amazing outside talent! Daisy loved it! Her favorite teacher was Marcea because she was in the music video "Thriller" with Michael Jackson-:)

{21 Months?!?...}

This little hunk! Dash~How are you 21 months?!? {YOU} Got your first big boy haircut and I'm obsessed, gave up your bottle and refuse to drink milk, want juice all day every day, love the show Puppy Dog Pals, drag your two cuddles wherever you go, talk so well, are obsessed with being outside, love walks, love to brush your teeth, ask for your socks first thing every morning, love to be tickled, apples and toast are your jam, get so excited when daddy comes home, love the park especially the swings and slides, love to tease your sister, have the best cheesy face, have the most yummy cheeks, have filled my heart with so much love and happiness! I love you my sweet boy! Love~Mama

{Phoenix Night!!...}

PHOENIX NIGHT!! What a fun night watching my little doll cheer and cheering on our AMAZING Nixelle's!! I'm so excited to be apart of this beautiful new school and to see such awesome community support!

August 1, 2018

{Natural History Museum...}