January 2, 2019

{New Year’s Eve!...}

Another great year with lots of ups and downs with my sweet little family! We spent New Year's Eve and Amy and Joel's playing games and eating yummy food! We all even stayed up until midnight! Excited for a new year!

{Last Primary Class...}

I'll miss teaching my little love in primary-:) She was the only one that showed up this week for class. She wanted me to teach her the lesson I had prepared. I kinda love my one on one time with my bestie. This is a big year for her! She will be baptized in a few months. Bittersweet for sure!

{Happy Birthday!!!...}

Fun night dressing up to celebrate our friend Aaron's birthday!!

{Merry Christmas!!...}

So happy we finally made it home from Hawaii! Right in time for Christmas!! We were supposed to arrive home Christmas Eve but our flight was canceled. We had to spend another night in Hawaii. It all worked out and Santa even made it to our house! It was a fun day filled with family, food, and presents! Daisy's favorites included an LOL Mansion and a polaroid camera. Dash got a tool bench and a race car track-:)


Hawaii was an absolute dream vacation!! We ziplined, swam, rode in a helicopter, golfed, shopped, played a the beach, ate yummy food, and enjoyed uninterrupted family time! Just what my little family needed-:)

{Christmas Pictures...}


Took my babies to see Santa. Dash didn't want anything to do with him. As soon as Mrs. Claus offered him a cookie he smiled and looked right at the camera. That cute boy will do just about anything for a treat!