January 2, 2020

{Christmas 2019...}

Christmas 2019!! Such a good day spent with my babies and fun family! My favorite highlight was seeing Daisy's reaction to her first concert to see JoJo Siwa. Priceless!


{New Year...2020!!}

Happy New Year’s from my little family!🎉 This year has been the hardest and most emotional year of my entire life. It knocked the wind right out of me and quite honestly there were days I wondered how I’d make it through. I was so broken. However, I have grown so much as a person and have come to realize how strong I really am. My saving grace have been these two perfect little faces. They motivate me to be the best I can be and everything I do is for them. Our bond is so special to me and I’m so lucky they are mine. We are going through really hard things together and I’ve never been more in tune with each of them and what they need. I have found joy this year in my babies, my family, my friends old and new, and my Heavenly Father. I have been carried this year by all of the amazing people in my life. I knew I had an army of incredible people behind me but I never knew how strong that army was and how they would show up for me when I needed them the most. I’ve never had to walk through my trials alone. My babies and I are so blessed and I’ll never be able to thank everyone who has been there and continues to be there for us. I’m excited and hopeful for a new year and new possibilities! Good things ahead for this crew of mine! Faith over Fear!🌟❤️


{Iceskating Fun!...}

Ice skating with these cuties🤗⛸❤️Although my three year old owned me...He was ripping around the ice going 100 miles an hour and I could barely keep up🤣🤣So funny!! He definitely lives up to his name!



I surprised the kids with a staycation in salt lake for Christmas! Daisy has asked to go on one forever and I finally made it happen! City Creek, Cheesecake Factory, shopping, swimming, snuggling, and just enjoying these babies of mine!
