July 14, 2009

Huntington Beach!!

So...this post is a bit late! We went on a family vacation to Huntington beach last month. It was so much fun to get away with Adam & my family! Lots of pics...:)
Adam & I at the Angels Game...
The Fam...We miss ya Spen!

Me and My Cute Dad!


The Funky Bunch said...

You two are just beyond cute. It's disgusting how cute you are together! Lol!! Love all the pics. And the pic of you two with the hats Adam surprised you with...what a guy! Love you guys! Can't wait for more posts to come...as a married couple! Aaaah!

Anonymous said...

I love all the cute pics! I seriously am so excited for you guys! Less than 2 weeks!!!1 YAY!!! Can't wait for our Marathon hang out on Thursday! LOVE YOU!

Love Family said...

You two are SERIOUSLY so cute together! I love the pics! and thanks for the invite, it will be fun to keep up with you two!!

Deah said...

I love your engagement pictures! You look gorgeous! What a great man you have! I can't wait to see your recepion! Where are you guys going to live? Are you still going to teach?