September 9, 2009

Yes!!! We Sold The House!!!

Hey Everyone! It has been awhile I know!! We have been busy! So...we sold the house and are so dang excited! We rented Adam's house and sold mine in the same week! We feel so lucky! We have to be out by Oct. 9th. We are so excited to find a house that is "Ours". Thanks Doug!! We appreciate you so much for being our friend and realtor and for helping make this happen! We will be living somewhere in Davis County. We are going to start looking this weekend. This is the fun part...YaY!!


Deah said...

where are you going?

Love Family said...

You should come buy our house!! You would love the area...AND it's close to your school! =)

Anonymous said...

WHAT!?!?!?! YAYAYAYA I am SO excited for you guys! See I told you everything would work out! That has got to be such a HUGE relief! WOW I am so excited for you! Call me!!! LOVE YOU!

Ashley Head said...

I'm such a dork! When I looked at this at school, your green background didn't load or something. Because your font is white I couldn't read, let alone see your post. I thought you had only posted "Yes!!! We sold the house!" I'm glad to see your real update. Love you- have a great weekend!

Deah said...

I am excited for you guys! I am glad you sold your place and rented Adam's place! Good luck to you guys!

The Funky Bunch said...

Congrats! That's so awesome. Now you guys can find your own house and do with it what you two want and make it your very own! I'm so excited! Love ya!