October 25, 2009


So, yesterday I went to my school to get some work done and I plugged in my zip drive and it wasn't working!!! I've tried it on numerous computers and it is just DEAD!!! I am just sick about it because it has so many folder and files from the last five years of teaching on it! I am going to take it to a computer store on Monday to see if they can retrieve any info on it. Has this happened to any of you? Does anyone know if it is possible to retrieve info from it? Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

1 comment:

The Carters said...

Oh my gosh! That just happened to me last week!!! But mine was a bit different....it was plugged into my laptop sitting on the couch and my dog jumped up on the couch and broke the flash drive! It has all my poms stuff on it and all my school work! Ah! If you have any luck let me know! I am trying to figure out how to get it fixed. I found a website that you can mail it to, if they can fix it it will cost $99, but if they can't they don't charge you anything. It's www.24hourdatarecovery.com. I also tried taking it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy...they said they'd charge $200-$250 so I'm trying to find something cheaper. Sorry I can't help more!