December 16, 2009

Strong Woman?...Hell Ya I Am!!!

So....I have been meaning to do this post for myself for awhile now. I read a post awhile ago from a friend that talked about how women in particular feel that they have to fit the "perfect" bill all the time. I for sure fall into this category A LOT!! I want to be the perfect wife, daughter, sister, friend, teacher and the list goes on and on. I sometimes get down on myself when I feel that I am just not cutting it. I was sitting in the tub last night reflecting on all I have been through particulary in the last five years and how it has all brought me to the point I am now in my life. I realized the strong woman that I have always been and are continuing to become! I would do it all over again to have the life I have now! I am so incredibly blessed with an unbelievable husband, family, and friends:) I have watched myself as well as many of my friends go through real heartache in the last few years and I am humbled by all of them and at the strength each of them have and have offered me in the times when I needed it most! So for all you awesome women out there...remember your amazing and strong!!


Brooke and Jonny said...

Amen! You are very strong I don't think I would have been as strong as you with everything you've been through and look where you are now!

The Funky Bunch said...

That just gave me the chills as I read this. Thinking back to all the phone calls and crying and definitely are SO strong and I'm so proud of you. You are truly an inspiration to me and I totally look up to you!! You always have been and always will be one of the strongest women in my life! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is I LOVE YOU...Seriously I do!

PS Remind me to tell you about the crazy dream I had! HAHA!