January 17, 2010

SkiING at BRighTon...

So Adam and I decided to go up to Brighton to go night skiing.  Adam hadn't been for two years and I hadn't been since I was about 13!  I was really excited but as the day went on I got really nervous and thought of every excuse in the book not to go!  We headed up there and I was freaking out on how to get off the lift!  I'm mean really that is the scariest part to me!  I stressed and stressed about it and what do you know I fell as I was getting off.  I was whining and carrying on like a child and asking Adam all these questions like, "Is this the easiest hill, how do I use my poles, how do I stop, etc etc.  He is always so patient with me and calmly and firmly just said "Honey you can do it".  I got down the hill and it all came right back to me!  We ended up having such a blast and stayed until it closed!  Thanks babe for being so patient and dealing with my drama on the slopes!


The Funky Bunch said...

Looks like SO much fun. I haven't been since high school either and probably would have cried the whole time! I can't believe you fell when you got off the lift...poor thing! Now you'll be able to go more since you conquered your fear!! Love ya!

Desiree Hansen said...

HEY!! Holy cow, you guys are the cutest couple ever. I was so excited to see you keep a blog... I found it from Heathers blog :). Seriously Ash, you are beautiful! Congrats you two!

Anonymous said...

Okay I am seriously laughing my A$$ off! I would have died to see you fall off the lift...I totally did that one of the first times me and Morg went snowboarding, hil-freakin-arious! Okay so I just read Mylies post and she is a much better friend cuz she wasn't laughing her you know what off about your fall...bahahaha! LOVE YOU GIRLIE GIRL!

PS...You were da bombdiggity this morning at step ;)!