February 21, 2010

Harmony's Baby Shower...

On Saturday I hosted a baby shower for my cousin Harmony! She is having a boy the first week of April. It was so much fun to see good friends and family!
Yummy cupcakes from Cutsie Cakes..."H" is for baby Henry

Harm & her mom Tammy
Love her cute belly!!
Harm & her best friend Angie
Harm & her hubby Pawal
Harm & Ash
Harm & her sister-in-law Missy who is due on Friday!
Missy, Harm, Sharon, & Carli (sister-in-laws)
All the Boyce girls:)


Anonymous said...

Look at you Martha :) I miss you...let's play ASAP! LOVE YOU MUCHO!xoxox muah!

The Funky Bunch said...

Wow, Harmony is all grown up! That's so crazy she's having a baby. Guess you're next!! Looks like you did a great job and everything turned out so cute!! Talk to you soon! Miss ya and love ya!