June 20, 2010

{Happy Father's Day...}

We just want to wish both our amazing dads a Happy Father's Day!! We love them both so much and are so grateful for everything they do for us!

My Dad...I can't even express to you how I feel about my amazing dad! I have always been a daddy's girl ever since I was little, but our relationship has grown so much more especially over the past few years. He is one that I can count on no matter what and will just call me up every now and again to tell me he is proud of me:) I feel very lucky that I was blessed to be his daughter....I love you dad!

Bruce...He is the best father-in-law I could ask for! From day one, he has welcomed me into his family and treated me as his own. I love him for that:) He is a great dad and has taught Adam so much! They are two peas in a pod and have such a great relationship. Thanks Bruce for raising the incredible son that I now call my husband!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Cute! Dads sure are amazing! Miss ya!