August 1, 2010

AnNiVErsarRY FuN...

We had such a great time celebrating our anniversary!! We went to the Gateway and ate at yummy Biaggi's!! This was my first time eating there, and it was excellent:) We then got icecream and went to see the movie Inception...very good by the way!! Adam booked a room for us at the Anniversay Inn! I have never stayed there and I was way excited to go. We stayed in the Rio Grande Room. It was decorated like a cute!! Thanks again babe for the great night!Yummy...Yummy!!

He doesn't like this pic...but I think he's cute:)
Rose petals....I'm a sucker for ROMANCE!!

Loved the tub/shower!
Cute Adam
I made him take this pic in our robes...ha ha!
Our wedding cake...SO GOOD even a year later!
Eating cake...


Anonymous said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Glad you had a fun time! LOVE YOU GUYS :)

jodie rae said...

I'm loving you in yellow! Congrats to you guys! Looks like a lot of fun!

Brooke and Jonny said...

Your hair is getting so long and you look so cute! Congrats on the one year mark! I can't believe it's already been a year!

Bullard Family said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys are the cutest. LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!

Brianne said...

Woa, sexy picture!! Congrats on 1 year. Such a perfect couple!

P.S. When you get sick of that purse...can I have it?

Jessica Reeves said...

Happy anniversary!! It looks like you had such a fun anniversary! You look gorgeous by the way!