September 11, 2010

Exciting News...



Mick and Em plus 2 boys said...

Congrats, I'm so excited for the both of you and you will do great and enjoy the time you have when he or she comes. Please keep me update on it.

The Funky Bunch said...

WOOHOO!!! The cat's finally out of the bag! :) I'm so excited for you. You two are going to make AMAZING parents and I can't wait to see what the baby looks like. Being a mother is an awesome thing! Congrats! Love you guys!

Brooke said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guys. You are going to be the very best mommy! Best of luck with the pregnancy. How are you feeling? I can't wait until you know if it's a boy or a girl. Either way you'll love it! I thought only girls were super fun, but I was wrong. Boy or girl, babies are the best!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you FINALLY decided to tell!!! I'm SO SO SO SO SO excited for you guys :) Our babies will be the best of friends! LOVE YOU!

Jessica Reeves said...

Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you guys! Your mom told me the other day and I was so happy! I hope you start feeling better soon! Being a mom is the best!! Congrats!!!!!!

Brianne said...

YAHOO!!! I am so extremely happy for you!! Let me know if you need anything. I would do a Yogo Togo run for you anytime :) Can't wait to see you in all your cuteness soon!!

jodie rae said...

I'm still dying over this! Completely meant to be. Yeah for You Yeah for Adam and Yeah for Baby Dayton! Love you!

Love Family said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you, nothing better than being a mom. You will love it! What day are you due?? WE are having another one in March too! :)

C and MC said...

ASH! Congrats girl! That is wonderful, you will be the best Mama.

Bullard Family said...

Yeah!!!! I can't wait to meet the little Dayton!! Hope you are feeling better. You are the best ever! I was laughing that you had frogs loose in your school. I would have payed to see it. Haha