October 24, 2010

17 Week Preggo Pic...

So...I am only posting this pic for my own journaling purposes...I really don't want to show the world my growing belly:) Good thing my blog is private and the only ones reading this are friends of mine!! I am now going on 18 weeks and am finally feeling much better!! The first 15 weeks were not to fun:( I was pretty sick almost every day!! It is so nice to feel somewhat normal again:) I felt the baby for the first time this week!!! He/she has for sure made their presence known almost every day at one point or another. I love when I feel my little baby, it's the best feeling in the world! We find out what we are having on the 3rd and we are so excited!!! We are pretty sure it is a boy but who knows!!! I feel so blessed to be able to bring this sweet baby into the world and am so excited to FINALLY be a mommy:)


Brooke said...

I am so excited for you! I'm glad you're feeling better, I understand your sickness. With all 3 pregnancies I was super sick. It was worse with the twins (that never went away!). I can't wait to hear what the gender of this little one is. I've been thinking a little bundle of blue for you guys too! Good luck!!!

jodie rae said...

I love the pic! Not much of a belly yet... Still looking smokin hot! Love you!

Anonymous said...

You are one HOT MAMA :) LOVE IT! Can't wait to find out for sure what it is! LOVE YOU !!!

C and MC said...

You are so cute Ash. I talked to your cousin the other day at Nutcracker, what a nice lady. Keep enjoying prego life!