November 3, 2010


We are soooo EXCITED to be having a GIRL!!!! This was completely unexpected!! We thought we were having a little boy for sure!! I think Adam is a bit in shock right now, but it is slowly sinking in haha!!! She is healthy and doing great:) We feel so blessed and we can't wait for her to be apart of our family!


Dallas and Chelsea said...

I so can't believe it. I'm so freakin' excited...our little girls will be the best of friends and I can't wait to see them together. We love you guys and couldn't be happier!!

jodie rae said...

Yea! I love this news so much! You have to have a girl because you're going to be the cutest little girl mama ever! Can't wait to meet this little princess!

Brooke said...

Congrats! You will LOVE having a girl first. It's the best, they are such a help with the younger siblings that come along. And as an added bonus, the clothing and bows really are so much cuter for girls! You'll love dressing her, it's super fun.

The Funky Bunch said...

Woohoo!! I'm beyond excited...words can't even describe it! Since we were three we talked about having our own little girls...and now that is finally coming true! You'll be the most amazing mom ever and she will always look so adorable! I can't wait to meet my new niece! And prepared to be wrapped around her tiny little finger the second you see her! Love you guys!

Jessica Reeves said...

Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you guys! She is going to be so adorable! I can't wait!!!

Chris & Missy said...

Girls are the best!!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you guys!!