March 15, 2011

{Meeting Our Little Lady On Monday}

Well...I went in for my 38th week appointment today and our little one has decided to turn and is the breech position:) We did an ultrasound and she is so stinkin' adorable:) Dr. H decided to do a c-section on Monday at 7:30am. I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that I will get to hold her in my arms in a matter of days!!! My birthday is on Sunday, and I couldn't imagine a more perfect birthday present!! Next post will be of our little Daisy...


The Funky Bunch said...

I'm so unbelievably excited for you guys!! I'm gonna be an aunt again!! I can't wait to come meet her! You're going to do great. C-sections are awesome!! I love you and am beyond excited for you!!

Love Family said...

I am seriously SO excited for you guys!!! Nothing more rewarding than being a mom! I hope everything goes well, good luck!!! Can't wait to see pics. You look great btw :)

Brooke and Jonny said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see how beautiful she will be!!!

The Shaws said...

Ok I've been checking this daily and still no pics of Miss Daisy. I'm dying here!!! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to hear all about it. LUV YA!